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Choose To Be You!

Why wait for a better tomorrow? Live your best life and embrace your best self today!

Have you ever had that moment when you look around and realize you're living someone else's life? Maybe you are underpaid and underemployed, not in the career you planned. Maybe you are single and looking for a soul mate, or you have a partner and looking to improve your relationship. Somewhere along the way, you lost you! It's not too late to get back "the you" you were destined to be. Below are some ways to get your mojo back!

1. LET IT GO-- You can't change the present if you're unwilling to let go of the past. Let go of fear. Let go of doubt. Let go of regret. Let go of who others think you should be. Holding on to what no longer serves you will get you nowhere. You must accept the end of something before something new and better can appear. What's holding you back? Let it go!

2. ACT AS IF-- If you're unhappy with your life and you want things to change, all this negativity may cloud your perspective, making you unhappy with the person you are today. You can create your reality. But you must start by changing your beliefs and then demonstrating the behaviors needed for success. Act as if something is already true and it will become true!

3. WIN SOME, LOSE SOME-- Trust that voice inside that says you can do and be more. It's not as important that you win as that you try. If you fail, get up, dust yourself off, and get back in the saddle. Remember that everybody fails before they succeed!

4. TAKE BABY STEPS-- Personal growth is achieved by taking many steps toward progress. It's a process so be patient with yourself and remember to celebrate changes along the way!

5. ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY-- Maybe you're learning important lessons that needed to be known. Or maybe you've outgrown your circumstances. Either way, accept responsibility for your life so far and then for where you want it to go. That's where your power lies!

6. BE GRATEFUL-- Start each day by taking inventory of all the good things in your life. Being grateful is like saying thank you to the universe, which will appreciate your gratitude and return the favor. Remember to smile and laugh often. Life only gets better when you smile and laugh as it reduces stress, boosts your immune system and releases endorphins.

7. BE HERE NOW-- Are you always worrying about tomorrow? If so, you will not appreciate the gift of today. When you catch yourself worrying or weighed down with negativity, STOP. Look around and appreciate all the beauty and perfection in your life right now!

8. GO FOR IT!-- If you've let go of what's holding you back and you're determined to push through no matter what, you'll be ready to seize your opportunities when the moments come. Choose to be you right now! Seize the day! Windows of opportunity can close as quickly as they are opened and you don't always get a second chance. Be prepared and just go for it!

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